  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Epoch Orientation - All Welcome!

Event time & date
February 13, 2025 7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Event location
  • Epoch Lincoln, Unit 28, Birchwood Shopping Centre, Birchwood Avenue, Lincoln, LN6 0QB

You are invited to your Epoch Orientation at Epoch Lincoln!

Whether you have started your chiropractic journey or are simply interested in how it may help you, and how you can help yourself, this workshop is for you.

In this fun, free, and informative monthly workshop we will help you get results from chiropractic faster and give you tips on what you can do to help yourself.

You will learn…

  • Why our spines are so important.
  • What causes them to go wrong and why we have pain.
  • How you can help fix yourself.
  • How chiropractic has the potential to change your life.

You are welcome to invite friends and family to join you, but if you have not already let us know, please do, so we can reserve them a place too!

Book onto the next workshop at Epoch Lincoln using link below or contact the team on 01522 681100 or info@epochcentres.co.uk.

We look forward to seeing you there!