  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Our Local Services

We offer our community of Lincolnshire a range of health services.


Chiropractic is based around the knowledge that everybody has a potential within them to achieve health and vitality.

At Epoch Lincoln we use the latest technology and techniques to identify the underlying cause of your problem.

Your central nervous system is comprised of your brain and spinal cord and it is responsible for the control and function of every cell and organ in your body.

As your chiropractor our focus is on the health of your spine which protects your spinal cord. If your spine is misaligned it can disrupt how your nervous system functions and can have a significant impact on your health.

This may lead to symptoms such as pain and discomfort which are there as warning signs. Using specific adjustments our aim is to help your spine to function optimally which allows your nervous system to communicate to the rest of your body without interference. This improves your ability to strive for health and healing as well as reducing painful symptoms. We call these disruptions to your nervous system ‘subluxations’.

Digital X-rays

On-site digital X-rays allow us to take the most detailed imaging of your spine without having to wait for long NHS or costly private referrals.

By using x-ray technology (where clinically indicated) we are able to determine exactly what your spine health is like without the guess work.

Our digital x-rays can be accompanied by an individual report from our independent DACBR radiologist.

Our images are instant and can be reported on within 48hours.

This service is provided to all of our patients.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Our Heart Rate Variability scan forms part of your Initial Consultation and regular Progress Exams.

This latest technology allows us to accurately measure the stress response of your body and your body’s capacity to heal.

The scan takes a couple of minutes and simply requires a small ear clip to be worn for 3 minutes, that measures your heart rate and rhythm. This makes it safe for children, pregnant women and seniors and allows us to provide you with an objective measurement of stress and determine how you are progressing through care.

It is based around the understanding that so long as the body is in a ‘stress response’ it may struggle to heal. However once out of the ‘stress response’, healing becomes predictable.

Posture Screen

Posture Screen is a digital application we use to take specific pictures of your posture.

Using the inbuilt software we can accurately calculate how your posture is affecting the weight bearing load on your body, which may lead to instability and wear and tear.

The team review and repeat these pictures at regular intervals throughout your care to show you how your posture is improving.