Epoch: a definitive period in the history of your life.
Tom (a former competitive rugby player) and Sarah (a Lincoln local) had a passion for seeing a real health solution come to Lincolnshire. Tom and Sarah met in Lincoln, where Tom had one of his first jobs as a chiropractor. At the time, Sarah was a Police Officer in the city.
After a brief stretch in Lincoln, Tom took a job opportunity in Cardiff working with professional athletes, dancers, and actors, providing chiropractic care. Sarah followed him down south.
Tom and Sarah witnessed the power of chiropractic and the life-changing results in Tom's patient's lives. Being inspired, Sarah decided to leave the Police and also pursue her career as a Chiropractor.
In 2017, Tom and Sarah created the 'epoch' of Epoch Lincoln. They accepted the challenge of moving back to Lincoln and set up a practice that would serve both the city of Lincoln and the broader community of Lincolnshire.
Their vision to create new opportunities in the community of Lincoln through empowering healing. Expanding every Lincolner's future and making what patients once deemed impossible, possible again.
This vision formed the name of the practice, Epoch, which means a definitive period in the history of a person's life.
Breaking down physical and mental barriers to create life-changing goals and achievements.
Epoch facilitates a brighter future. A future made possible by one decisive moment, the decision to create change.