Next week is Mental Health Awareness week, and with a topic that affects so many of us, some in big ways and others in small ways, I thought I would share a few top tips that could help all of us with our mental health.
Now, with the gravitas of this topic, this information is generic and should help all of us no matter where we are with our mental health. Be that wanting to improve an already positive mindset, to those who are really struggling.
And if you are struggling, be sure to seek out further help through your general practitioner or councillor.
So, what can we do to help our mental health?
I think the main focus of what we can do to keep ourselves positive and in a good mindset is quite simply to ‘keep moving forwards’ and keep the promises we set for ourselves.
Think about this, if we spend a day going nowhere, doing the same thing over and over, it becomes quite tedious. If we promise ourselves a run or to eat well and we don’t, we can become disappointed and quite defeatist. Now combine these habits of doing nothing and breaking promises to yourself, and compound them day in and day out over the course of weeks, months, and years. It is no wonder we end up with low self-esteem and feeling depressed.
So, what can you do?
Seems obvious right? Keep the promise you set for yourself and keep moving forward. Easier said than done, I know. Therefore, I want to give you my Top Four habits you can do daily to keep you moving forward and keep the promise to yourself:
1. Learn
Learn every day, why? Because this keeps you moving forward, it keeps your mind growing, and it gives a sense of achievement. You don’t need to formally study or practice algebra (you can if you want). But pick something you enjoy and learn a little each day. I choose to read 10 pages minimum each day of something educational. If reading is not your thing, try YouTube or audio, but pick something and commit a small amount of time each day to learning.
2. Movement
“As the body moves, the brain grooves”. Movement is essential for good health. Commit each day to move your body, be that a walk around the block or yoga in the living room. Everyday move your body, appreciate it, and watch it get better the more you do.
3. Eat Clean
Nothing beats us up like eating poorly. We so often seek comfort in the place we lost it. We turn to food as comfort but afterward, regret the decision for what it does to us. Start slowly here; commit to just one meal each day being nutritious, wholesome, and light. Choose to have your first meal a good meal, and start the day with a win. The more you do this, the more inclined you will be to have healthier meals all day.
4. Consistency
Do points 1 – 3 every day. Make the commitment to yourself that you deserve. Compound those wins, make the promise to do them and after a week, you have won all 7 days, three habits a day, that is 21 wins!! Wow. You can do this.
There is a saying that I love that I want to leave you with; think of this as you move forward. Each day you have is a blessing and your body is the only place you have to live so look after it.
“Learn today as you will live forever, live today as you will die tomorrow”.
Have a wonderful week.
With love,