  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Are We Back To School Already?

Summer holidays are nearly over and for some this is a sad time, for others, a breath of fresh air, as ‘normality’ is resorted.

But what do we really mean by ‘normality’?

I think what we are referring to here is routine, order, structure. Where we have to think a little less, and life becomes a little easier. 

And it is quite normal for us as humans to want to be this way. After all we are creatures of habit. Right down to our neurology and ‘programming’. Did you know nearly 90% of what you do all day, everyday, is a pre-set program in your brain?

For example, cleaning your teeth. The action of this you did not think about, but your brain has a well wired pattern to achieve that action. Even your drive to school or work is mostly ‘autopilot’. We’ve all been on that drive, arrived at the destination and thought to ourselves, how on earth did I get here?

So what’s my point with all this?

Habit, routine, and structure. We may think that we don’t like them and would rather live care free, but actually we do, our bodies thrive off the routine and habit.

That said, how can we make those habits and routines support our health?

Health is not an ‘On/Off’ switch. It is an accumulation of our actions over time, we don’t suddenly get heart disease or arthritis. These come on as a result of our actions over decades.

That said, they can be prevented or at least dramatically reduced with consistent good actions and habits.

So here are my TOP THREE healthy habits for you to add into your daily routine and what better time to do that than today?

1. Water

Dehydration is a leading cause of chronic disease. With such convenient access to water in this country, it is a crime that this is so. Start your day with a large glass of water, and continue to sip water throughout the rest of the day.

2. Movement

Intentional daily movement. Park the car further away from work or school and walk the last few miles. Take a lunch break to walk around the block. Block out your diary for the gym, prioritise it like you would an important meeting.

3. Gratitude

When your alarm goes off in the morning, before you sit yourself up, pause and think to yourself: “what am I grateful for?

What is the good in your life, no matter how small. Focus on that.

And again when you go to bed. As your head hits the pillow, pause and think what was good today? Gratitude moves the body away from anxiety. To a state of health and not sickness.

So, there you have it. Some simple, but effective habits you can start to build into your routine.

Oh, and don’t forget to make your chiropractic adjustments one of them too…

With love, 


Dr Tom Waller DC