Stress is a term that can be overused and sometimes misunderstood which can lead to frustration, and indeed, more stress.
What can be particularly frustrating is how we are encouraged to ‘remove stress’ as if it is possible and realistic. Sometimes it really is easier said than done.
We all know that life is full of stress. The simple act of going to work, running a family, or paying bills is stressful and not to do these is impossible.
The ‘stress less’ mentality becomes even more implausible when we understand that stress is indeed a good thing for us. Let’s talk about the gym for example. Every time you strain to move a weight, that is a form of stress, but over time that stress improves the body. Take another example of reading, we all remember how difficult this was at first, and the stress it caused, but the more we put ourselves in that stressful situation the greater we learned to read and less stressful it became.
Therefore stress, when channeled right or for a better term, when ‘adapted to’, is very beneficial for us.
The only way to really deal with stress is to become more adaptable to it.
To do this we need to first understand where stress may come from, and with that knowledge we can seek to do something about it. Luckily, stress can only come from three specific areas. These are; Physical, Chemical and Emotional.
If we spend a small amount of effort each day to improve our Physical, Chemical and Emotional body, then when stress does come in one of these forms, we will better adapt to it and not get overwhelmed.
Take the example of running on a treadmill for exercise. When the time does come to run for the bus, all the practice you put in on the treadmill will enable you to catch the bus!
So, what can we do?
1. Physical – movement is key. I would suggest at least a 10 minute walk each day. It doesn’t need to be strenuous, but it does need to be consistent.
2. Chemical – increase your hydration. Take just one pint extra of pure water on board each day.
3. Emotional – the emotion of gratitude is the opposite of anxiety. Spend 5 minutes each day alone and in quiet to think about all the things you are truly grateful for.
The key to all of this is to be consistent and keep it simple. That way you will do it and over time you will feel the benefit.
Here is to an adaptable future!
Yours in health,