This year we may not be going abroad for our holidays, but instead, opting for a staycation. We often see ‘get summer ready‘, ‘ bikini body ready’, posted everywhere this time of year. It is important to remind ourselves that at all times we are ‘summer ready‘, and we deserve to live each day to its fullest, without having to worry about how we look in a bikini or on the beach.
It can be very consuming and easy to get caught up in summer diets, but I am hoping to share with you some tips on how to feel the best in your body this summer.
Be In tune with your movement:
Naturally, if you enjoy something, you are more likely to be consistent and achieve both mental and physical benefits. When we move more it releases endorphins which help us to feel good about ourselves too. Having your regular adjustments with your chiropractor also helps to keep your body in check and ensure you are getting the most out of your movement. My personal favourites are either Hot Yoga or a fun dance workout, don’t take yourself too seriously! Have fun and remember that you ‘get to’ move your body, not because you ‘have to’.
Eat fresh foods:
With the weather getting warmer I find I am personally naturally drawn to more summer salads/fruit/smoothies. My favourite at this time of year is Watermelon and Pineapple, as it reminds me of being on holiday and is a great snack throughout the day. It can be easy to forget to prepare foods in this weather too, having lots of fun outside in the sun and not wanting to be in the kitchen cooking! Meal prepping is a great way around this, perhaps find an evening when it’s cooled down a little to prepare a few staple lunches/teas that you know you will enjoy.
Listen to how you speak to yourself:
If we all treated ourselves like we do our loved ones or best friends I am sure you wouldn’t criticise them as much as you do yourself. Simple changes to the way we think about things, as mentioned ‘get to‘ instead of ‘have to‘ can really make a big difference. You ‘get to’ eat healthy foods to nourish your body, you ‘get to’ move to feel good about your body, you ‘get to’ spend time with loved ones in the sunshine. Simple affirmations daily, which you can either write down in a journal, your phone, or say out loud can help us feel more positive about ourselves too.
Changing from a Winter to a Summer wardrobe, especially after lockdown can be challenging as well. Remember, your body is allowed to change and there is nothing wrong with that. Your clothes are supposed to fit you and make you feel amazing, not you fit into your clothes.
With love,