£55 New Patient Consultation (Usually £92)
Yes, you read that right! I do get a bad back from time to time. So, I wanted to share with you a little understanding of why I get a bad back and what I do to help myself when it happens.
One of the questions that we are likely to ask when our back begins to hurt is “how do I stop the pain”? However, as tempting as that is, long term it helps no one.
The question we must ask ourselves when we hurt our back is “why did that happen?” or “what did I do”? Remember the best way to learn is from our mistakes.
So, for me it was a simple answer, I got lazy! Last week on the Monday I had a busy hour of adjusting and instead of bending properly to clean the benches between patients, I stooped and over stretched. I ignored the ache in my back and pushed through. Low and behold when I got up from the dinner table that evening I almost froze, my back had ‘gone’.
Therefore, I have had the pleasant reminder from the universe not to get lazy. I was reminded to be mindful of my back, something easy to forget when the going is good.
But now I have the pain and I must work, what do I do?
No.1 Make an appointment with my chiropractor.
Although I see my chiropractor every week, I needed to bring my routine adjustment forward asap. This allowed me to reset my body and start the healing process.
No.2 Increase the water.
Hydration is essential for healing. I drink a lot anyway but when my back goes, I need to ‘go’. I drink so much water that I have to move and walk around to go to the toilet… (yes, walking is good for a bad back too).
No.3 More vitamins.
I increase my dosage of two of my key supplements. I temporarily double my magnesium dose which helps to relax the muscles, and I quadruple my Omega 3 dose that helps with the inflammation and healing.
No.4 Movement.
I make sure I take regular walks, even if I have been on my feet all day, a walk around the block morning and evening to relax and reset my body.
So, there you have it, my emergency guide to a bad back and what to do!
I am writing this exactly a week after it ‘went’ and while it is still grumbling a little, it is much better and definitely on the mend.
Yours in health.