  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Bullet Proof Your Back

It’s Back Care Awareness week so this week I will share with you how you can best take care of your back and in the spirit of awareness, why it is so important for you to do so.

Many of you will remember the unfortunate situation of Christopher Reeves. And for those who do not, Christopher was the original Superman actor, a man of tremendous physical physique who unfortunately had a horse-riding accident that left him paralysed from the neck down. This very unfortunate incident immediately helps us to grasp the importance of our back, your spine. The collection of small bones, known as vertebrae that protect the most precious part of your entire body, your spinal cord.

Damage to your spinal cord is serious, in the case of Christopher Reeves, there were the obvious physical changes where he no longer could control or coordinate is body, but there is also the lesser know complications, inability to fully control bowel and bladder, issues with breathing, and lowering of his immune system. All controlled by the spinal cord signals from the brain.

Think of your spinal cord like the hose pipe that is supplying your garden plants. Damage to the hose pipe, kink it, or stand on it, what happens to the plants? No water and they die, before that? They wilt.

This is the importance of being aware of our back care and of our spine. Because any damage to the spine will cause issues with the spinal cord, your nervous system. And damage to this will change how your body is functioning.

I am sure some of you are saying “that is fine because I have no pain”. My question to you would be, do you feel your body’s immune response, do you feel the whole digestive process, do you feel the pancreas release insulin, do you feel the kidneys filtering your blood? Of course not, and by the same token you can have problems with your spine and not feel a thing, because those nerves are not causing pain, like the hose pipe feeding the plant, those nerves may be feeding the liver, the spleen or reproductive system.

So being aware of our back and taking care of it is essential to be as healthy as we can. The only way to know how well it is truly working is by seeing a Chiropractor who does a thorough assessment.

That aside and in the spirit of Back Care, here are some tips for things you can do yourself to try and ensure your spine is kept well:

1. Move
Your body is designed to move, to fall, to lift and to work. It is not designed to sit and be still. Too often we associate damage to our spine with falls or accidents, when the most damage occurs through sitting and being still.
My number one tip for a better back is movement. 30 minutes walking per day.

2. Get adjusted
Seeing your Chiropractor is the most affective way to ensure your spinal health. Joints of the spine that cease to move properly for 3 weeks will begin to degenerate. Therefore, regular chiropractic adjustments will keep your spine well.

3. Hydrate

The movement of the spine is aided by soft discs between the bones. These are more likely to damage or prolapse if they are weak and lack fluid. Therefore, hydrate with a minimum of 4 pints of water per day.

4. Stretch

Take the tension off your spine by stretching regularly throughout the day. Sitting posture and time on phones and devices puts a lot of stress on the spine, be sure to stretch each day to reduce muscular tension and pull on the spine.

So, there you have it, 4 simple tips and a big reason to look after your spine.

Happy Back Care Awareness Week.

With love,


Dr Tom Waller DC