  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Do You Have This Superpower?

This week we are celebrating women! International Women’s Day was upon us on Monday, which is a global day to celebrate the achievements of women past and present. Now for the men reading this, I would urge you not to stop. You will likely have women in your life who you may wish to share this with, or you may be able to relate to some of the things I write about and find it helpful for your own life!

I am writing as a woman and this is just my opinion, so please forgive me if you disagree. However, I have stumbled across a superpower that women have, which you may or may not be aware of. This power can provide so many benefits, but sometimes it can lead to overwhelm and exhaustion. This superpower is admirable on the surface, but for the participant it can feel relentless.

What is it you ask?! I am talking about the power of multi-tasking! Now I am not saying that men can’t multitask, but as a woman, I feel this power is rooted deep in our DNA and sometimes we just can’t stop it from appearing.

Multi-tasking can be wonderful at times. It means we get lots done because we have a number of plates spinning at once and we feel like we are achieving something. From the outside we can look like graceful swans gliding along the water and people may ask in awe how you do it. However underneath it is often a different story, we are pedaling furiously trying to keep up, but we don’t want anyone to see it.

Now, this may not be you! You may be that graceful swan and have it down to a tee, and if you do, I praise you! But if like me, at times you feel like you are pedaling hard each day, here are a few things for you to consider which I hope will be of help.

Do something for you each day.

When you have a long list to do and you feel like you are being pulled in multiple directions, doing something for you can seem impossible. But doing something for you doesn’t necessarily have to take up lots of time. It could be as simple as listening to your favourite music and singing along as loud as you can on your drive to work. Putting on an audiobook or podcast whilst cooking, getting out for a walk, or allowing yourself to have a soak in the bath at the end of the day.

Now you will see there is some multi-tasking going on in my suggestions. Ideally, try to devote a specific time each day for you and cherish it. Do something that brings you joy and don’t feel guilty for doing it, you deserve it, and you will feel so much better for it!

It is OK to say no.

Saying no can be hard because we don’t want to offend people or appear that we don’t have it together. However sometimes it is necessary. Taking on additional tasks or responsibilities can be great, but before saying yes to them, take a moment to pause and think if you really want to do it. Will it mean sacrificing something elsewhere? Will it mean sacrificing time for you?  

Ask for help.

The superpower of multitasking can be amazing, but there is only so much time in a day and so much energy we have to use. Following on from my previous point of saying no, if this just isn’t possible then it is time to ask for help? Whether it is getting help with childcare, delegating tasks to others, or even seeking professional help for your health, asking for help is a strength not a weakness and may be the best thing you ever do.

Stop striving for balance.

I have talked about this in a previous blog, ‘Is there such a thing as work life balance?’, but I do think striving for perfect ‘work-life balance’ is near impossible and can create a feeling of guilt. Our priorities in life will naturally ebb and flow. One week you may need to focus your attention on a family member who is unwell which means other tasks go on the back burner. The next week you may have a project for work that needs handing in and so your time with your children is reduced, and so on. If we accept that creating perfect balance is unrealistic and be open to the flow of life, it will help to reduce the pressure and guilt and allow us to enjoy the process.

So ladies, embrace your superpower, but don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process.

If you are a woman reading this, I encourage you to take a moment to celebrate everything you do! It can be easy to shrug it off as some of the things may seem insignificant, but if you take a moment to reflect and think about your achievements big and small, you will see just how amazing you are.

Gents, if you have women in your life, why not take a moment to celebrate them and thank them for all they do?!

Have a wonderful week.

With love,

Sarah Waller