  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Get Your You Back This January

When I first read the below statement I knew it was something I wanted to share with you all.

“It isn’t about giving anything up. It’s about getting something back. Get your fun back. Get your energy back. Get your calm back. Get your YOU back. “

I am talking about Dry January! This is the UK’s one-month alcohol-free challenge. Are you taking part?

Research has shown that of those who join Dry January, 70% have better sleep and 66% have more energy, how amazing!

You may be wondering why as a centre providing chiropractic care, we would like to write a blog about Dry January, and my question to you is, can you remember the 3 T’s? Hint- Alcohol can affect all three.

Thoughts, Traumas and Toxins. These 3 T’s are the causes of Subluxations in our body. When your spine is adjusted by a chiropractor, their aim is to correct these subluxations so that your brain and body start to work together again and restore optimal function.

Subluxations interrupt how the spinal cord is sending a message from your brain to your body. In very simple terms, like a kink in a hose pipe, not enough water gets through, and the plant begins to wither and wilt.

We know that the brain is controlling everything in your body from how you feel pain, to how your heart is beating, stomach is digesting and how quickly you heal. Therefore, any interruption in how the brain can speak to your body (such as drinking alcohol) will reduce how well your body works long term and can lead to a variety of problems.

Let me share an insight to how the 3 T’s can be affected by alcohol…

Thoughts can be affected by the heightened emotions alcohol can cause us to have as it is a depressant, not to mention if you get a hangover the next day. Alcohol can cause your body trauma internally through your liver’s ability to regenerate new cells, stumbling or falling over under the influence of alcohol will also cause some trauma to your body. Alcohol is a toxin that is highly diffusible through the cell membrane and affects most organs, especially the liver.

Now that I’ve shared 3 ways alcohol can negatively impact the body, I would like to share some easy positive tips you can bring into this new year with you.

Thoughts: Meditation is a great way to learn how to relax and listen to your thoughts and feelings as life gets busy throughout the day. I like to practice gratitude when meditating and think of what I am grateful for that day which sets me up for a good day.

Traumas: Moving our body in a positive way for at least 30 minutes a day is a great habit to get into, this can be a walk, run, swim or anything you can enjoy with the aim being to raise your heart rate.

Toxins: What we put into our body, ensuring we eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, trying to avoid processed foods is great for our health long-term.

The 3 T’s once identified and understood as to how they can affect the body allows us to be able to make positive lifestyle choices, which support you through your chiropractic journey to be able to break barriers and achieve your impossible.

If following this blog you are interested on cutting down your alcohol intake, I have linked  Dr Sarah’s blog from a few months ago on how alcohol can affect the body, and what we can do about it, if you would like to learn more click here 👉 https://epochcentres.co.uk/how-does-alcohol-impact-our-brain-and-body/.

If Dry January is something you are thinking of doing, please let us know, we would love to support you! www.alcoholchange.org.uk/get-involved/campaigns/dry-january

As always, if there is any further information you would like us to share or if you have any questions following this topic, please do let us know and we will try to help the best we can.

With love,

Sarah Waller