Health has been at the forefront of a lot of our minds recently and what we put into our body is so important. Sometimes the choices we make with our diet/lifestyle unfortunately don’t best serve us. Vitamins are not a substitute for an unhealthy lifestyle, however, they can be an easy, efficient way of ensuring your body receives the some of correct nutrients.
Vitamin supplements help to support the body and there is a wide range to choose from nowadays. Personally, I can find the wide range of choices to be a little overwhelming and struggle to know where to start. At Epoch we stock some Vitamins that may help to support your health, if this is something you are interested in, mention to your chiropractor if they would recommend any for you personally, as our health needs are all personal.
This week I am going to be sharing Epoch’s top 3 vitamins to help boost your immune system.
Why do we need to take vitamins? Vitamins are a great way of making sure your body receives all the nutrients it needs and can give you the chance to feel your best. We can get vitamins from what we are eating, such as fresh fruit and vegetables and whole foods, but to have a routine of vitamin supplements you take regularly is key as almost an ‘insurance policy’ for your body.
Our Top 3 Immune Boosting Supplements are;
1.Vitamin A is critical for many functions in your body including, cell function, maintenance of your skin and vision and to support your immune system. Food sources of Vitamin A include Eggs, Oily Fish, spinach and sweet potatoes.
2.Vitamin C can be found in foods such as citrus fruit, broccoli peppers and strawberries. Vitamin C is necessary for growth, development and repairing your body. Normal collagen formation for blood vessels, bones, cartilage, gums, skin and teeth. Can help to reduce tiredness and fatigue, as it assists your immune system function during and after intense physical exercise.
3. Vitamin D3 is known as the sunshine vitamin! We can get Vitamin D from being outside, during the autumn and winter it is recommended to take a supplement as the sun is not strong enough for the body to produce enough Vitamin D3. It can also be quite difficult to get sufficient Vitamin D from your diet.
I personally love to take this supplement daily and the one we stock comes in liquid form and tastes of oranges! This is essential for the maintenance of bones, teeth and normal muscle function, cell division and growth and repair. Also great for boosting our immune system.
At Epoch we deliberately do not stock a wide range of supplements as we understand this can be overwhelming. So what we choose to stock, we know will give the best benefit to your body and comes from the best suppliers. Cytoplan is one of our favourite suppliers as they produce ‘food’ derivate supplements. This means the supplement is from a food source and not a synthetic similar made in a lab, which so many products are and unfortunately gives no value to your body.
If you would like any additional information on any vitamins please let us know, we are happy to help and would love to hear which vitamins you are taking at the moment.
With love,