Headaches can be crippling, and a clear head can be so liberating. Why do some of us suffer so much and others never get any issues?
Well this week I want to explain a little bit about headaches, why we get them, and what we can do to help ourselves. So, if you are a headache sufferer, this one is for you! If not, then please pass this onto someone who you know who struggles.
Headaches, as I am sure you know literally are aches in the head! But why would our head ache? The good news is that for the vast majority of headaches, there is no sinister cause and they can be managed or cured with relative ease. There are however, a very small proportion of headaches that can be sinister, so if you do have concerns for a headache, seek some advice and a one on one assessment.
For the majority:
Headaches are caused by a tension build up in the structures around the head which offer support. Most commonly the neck muscles can become tight which refers pain up and over the head, or into the base of the skull. It is also common for the jaw to be a contributor to headaches, with a tension build up from clenching or grinding the teeth.
Dehydration is also a big cause of headaches, but contrary to popular belief, it is not your brain that is dehydrating, for that would have very serious consequences! It is the structures of the neck, the discs and muscles that with dehydration, become more tense and lead to the subsequent headaches.
So, if it is that simple, what can you do?
Here are my top three tips for headaches:
1. Hydrate.
It is essential for our health, not just headache prevention, to keep hydrated. Do not worry about how much water to drink in total during the day. Just keep a bottle on your person and sip very regularly throughout the day.
2. Stretch.
Stretching the neck muscles and keeping the neck mobile is one of the best ways to relieve tension in the head. Here is a link to a video I did to help you stretch your neck.
3. Mind that Jaw.
Ask your dentist or ask your partner if you grind your teeth at night. Spend a few days being aware of situations and times where you may clench your teeth. Becoming more aware of this is the key to stopping the habit.
4. Bonus.
Did you know chiropractic is great for headaches coming from the neck, and migraine prevention?! If you do suffer, why not speak to your chiropractor today to see how they can help?
Go on, give these a go and see how you do.
Remember if you do have any concerns about a headache you are experiencing, please contact a health professional for more assessments.
With love