  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Giving Our Kids the Best Start in Life

Whether you have children or not, there is one question that people often ask the expecting parents; “Do you want a girl or a boy?”

Probably a little tiring after the tenth time, however my guess is the answer is often the same; “I don’t mind, so long as they are healthy.”

You see that is all we really want for our children, and for ourselves for that matter, is good health. So, what can we do to ensure it?

My suggestion is to be as proactive and not simply wait for issues to arise. It can be easy to take our health for granted and while we worry about our children and hope they don’t get sick, as a nation we do very little proactively to ensure the best possible chance of health.

Health, and sickness for that matter, is a bio-accumulative effect. That is to say our health or lack of, happens over a period of time. It is something we have earned over time, something we have accumulated from our environment and choices.

Health comes to us and can be advanced in three ways. It is the natural state for the human body, so long as we live a life that is congruent with how we as a species are meant to live.

Now the three areas you have likely heard me talk about before! You’ve got it, our thoughts, the traumas that we endure, and the toxins we ingest or are exposed to. Simply put, are we thinking, eating, and moving well?

Therefore, when it comes to our children and the younger generations, knowing that their health in the future is determined NOW, we should be doing all we can in the areas of thought, trauma and toxins, to give them the best start and end in life.

And please don’t think that it is too late. If you are reading this and struggling with your health later in life, the time is always NOW to start improving your health.

That said:

Here are my Top 3 tips to improve your child’s health.

1. Hydration. As simple as it is, water is essential for good health. With so many alternative ways of getting liquid, our children have less and less water these days. So, my advice is a minimum of 4 glasses of pure water per day.

2. Movement. I’m not talking PE or Saturday football; I’m talking about social movement and quality time combined. We know movement is essential for great health, combine that with the family coming together for a walk at least once a week and we can improve our child’s physical and mental health.

3. NO phones! The Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) given off by our mobile devices has been identified to be harmful to the developing child’s brain. Year on year there are studies showing the negative impact they can have. My advice is limit it to essential use only. How about picking up a book or play eye spy or sleeping lions?! Spending less time on devices can also really help with your child’s posture and spine health long term too.

Simple advice I know, but health really is simple and done consistently it can make a huge difference.

So let’s make a start today and improve the future health of our community!

With love,


Dr Tom Waller DC