When I bought my first house, I had no idea I would like this activity so much, in fact it was the thing I was least looking forward to. But now it is actually a pleasure to do!
No, sadly I am not talking about washing up, this is still a task that I would rather avoid and I do my very best to do so, much to Toms frustration! I’m actually talking about gardening!!
This week we are focusing our attention on gardening because it is not only great for our body, it is also great for our soul. I understand not everyone has access to a garden, which is why I will be talking about the benefits of plants in general and taking time to connect with nature, whether it is in your own garden or in your local park.
We chose this topic to focus on as we know many of you enjoy spending time outside, whether it be in your garden or out enjoying your local open spaces. How we spend our free time has an impact on our overall health and on the health of our spine. As I’m sure you can imagine, if you are a keen gardener and spend most of your days hunched over digging, it is likely you are going to feel some tension in your lower back and neck the following day!
So here are some Top Tips to keep in mind when you are next outside:
Keep your body moving:
Use both sides:
Stay hydrated:
Don’t be afraid to ask for help:
Not only is gardening and being outside great for us physically, it is also great for us mentally. I don’t know about you, but if I’m feeling lethargic or I’m not in the most positive of moods and I force myself to go outside, after a short time I notice my mood improves and I feel like a different person!
This is because movement and exercise helps our body produce the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which are our ‘happy hormones’. These hormones help to reduce stress, anxiety and improve moods. Being outside also allows us to have a break from technology which can often over stimulate our brain and causes our stress hormone cortisol to take over. Taking time out from screens for example, helps to calm your body and mind.
Here are some additional reasons why gardening and being outside is great for your mental health:
Creating purpose:
Creating a moment to focus outwards:
Be present:
Connect with nature:
I know many of you love to garden, so if you have some top tips that you have found to help you over the years I would love to hear! Also what projects are you working on at the moment?
If you are not a gardener or are worried to buy house plants because you had some in the past and it wasn’t a success, I will leave you with this:
“There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.” Janet Kilburn Phillips
Happy Wednesday, have fun with it and I hope you have an amazing week!
With love,