  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Happy 3rd Birthday Epoch Lincoln!

I am excited to write to you this week as it marks our 3rd Year here in Lincoln. And what an amazing three years it has been. While this year did not get off to the start we all expected, it is still brilliant to be able to take care of such a wonderful community, yes you.

From the start we have always championed the fact that true health and healing can not happen alone, and that being part of a community is essential to one’s improvement, health, and well being.

So this week I would like to again highlight the importance of a community in healing and pay credit and give dear thanks to you for helping Epoch become what it has over the three short years so far.

If we look to the most naturally healthy and happy communities in the world, we do not find them in the wealthy western world, unfortunately it is those communities that are leading the way for chronic disease and medical dependence.

However, when we look to North African or South American indigenous populations, we see something quite remarkable. Despite poverty and a perceived poor quality of life, we see happiness, joy, and exceptionally low rates of chronic/lifestyle disease. And right at the heart of it all is community. We see these tribes coming together for healing, for birth and for death. We see elders not being hidden away but at the centre of it all, we see music and laughter as medicine and a fine example of what a community can achieve.

That is not to say they do not have hardships and that modern medicine has not got a remarkable place in society. But what it does highlight is how a community can really shape and improve all our lives.

Therefore, at Epoch we aim to bring you together, to teach you how to best look after your health and your family’s well being, and it is why we have the open and friendly environment. Community is at the heart of what we do. And it would not be possible without you.

So, this week I would like to challenge you to show up for your community. Join our Facebook group, if you are in care, join our Epochers group. Post how you are improving your health and inspire others to do the same.

Next time you are in the centre, get to know the person next to you. Leave your phone in the car and who knows who you may find yourself sitting next to. (I know the social distancing measures make this hard, but voice carries more than 2 metres … forgive my sarcasm).

And finally, I want to say thank you to all our team past and present, to our parents, our tradespeople, our cleaners, everyone else who provides key support in the background, and to you our Epochers. Thank you for making this place the centre of true health and well being in Lincolnshire.

With love


Dr Tom Waller DC