The sun has officially got its hat on and Summer holidays are in full swing. It has been lovely to hear about your upcoming holiday plans in the UK and abroad, which for many are the first vacations for a couple of years which make them extra special. And whilst your mind may be going into ‘holiday mode’, your body still has certain requirements to keep it healthy. So, this week I wanted to share some simple but important tips, to help you take care of your spine and body whilst travelling.
Let’s start with travelling to and from your destination. Getting from A to B can be demanding for your body, so my biggest reminder is to…
Stop regularly and move:
Whether you have a mammoth drive planned to get to your UK destination or you are planning to travel to the airport, be sure to break up the journey by stopping at least every hour and having a good wiggle and a walk to get your body moving. This will help to alleviate built up tension from sitting and provide movement through your joints which is essential to keep your spine healthy and mobile. If you are travelling by bus, train, boat, or by other means, stand up as often as possible during your journey and get your body moving.
Before you set off and whilst at your destination, here are 3 things to consider:
1. Take your own pillow
Sleeping in a new bed with different pillows can exacerbate an existing issue or create new aches and pains, which is why I’d always recommend taking your own pillow away with you. I know this is not always practical if going abroad, but if space allows it will create those home comforts whilst away and help to support your spine whilst in bed which will reduce the chance of you waking up uncomfortable.
2. Keep your body moving
Holidays certainly should be relaxing and I give you full permission to rest, but don’t forget to add some movement in too. If you enjoy a sun lounger or spend more time sitting down than usual whilst away, be sure to try and stand up and move around every 20 minutes. As well as this, I’d recommend factoring in some intentional exercise during your stay each day. It doesn’t have to be a hardcore HIIT routine, it could be walking or cycling around the local sites or having fun splashing around the pool.
3. Eat and drink well
Do you find that food on holiday always tastes better?! Being looked after and trying different food makes holidays a wonderful experience. So please enjoy some tasty food and have some treats whilst away if you wish, but support your body in the process. Something that I find helpful when away is to adapt the meals on offer, for example it could be adding a side salad to the meal, asking for some extra greens or switching the fries for an alternative such as new potatoes, ensuring I am getting nutritious food with each meal. If you choose to enjoy an alcoholic drink, how about ordering a glass of water too so you can sip it alongside? Small changes can help your body get the essential nutrients it needs whilst allowing you to enjoy the food and drink on offer.
If you have some go to routines when going on holiday to keep health it would be great to hear about them! Feel free to share in the comments below.
Happy holidays.
With love,