Who remembers ‘Desert Island Discs’ the Radio 2 show where people were asked what music they would take if they were to be stranded on a desert island?
Well, this week I want to play Epoch’s version of that game. So, the question is; to have the best health possible and therefore the best chance of surviving, what would I choose to take on a desert island?
I want to give you my answers with what I hope is a compelling argument to show you why these would be the TOP things I would take:
Tom’s TOP health helpers for a desert island:
1. Chiropractic
Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “of course you would say chiropractic, you’re a chiropractor.” Its like a carpenter taking a hammer. But why have I chosen chiropractic?
Remember we are stranded on a desert island. To survive we need to be able to adapt to the new environment around us, we need to be able to regulate our body temperature for the scorching sun and the cold nights. We need to be able to run up the hill as a plane flies over to wave for attention. We need to carry the logs from the wood to the shore. And we need to heal from any food poisoning or cuts we may get.
And out here on this desert island, the only person we have to do all this for us, is… you guessed it… YOU. Only you can heal yourself, only you can adapt to the change of environment and conditions.
Your body has a remarkable ability to do this, how? Through the interpretation, understanding, control and coordination of your nervous system. Your brain and all the nerves that talk to your body.
Imagine being on this island as the night draws in, your body begins to feel the cold, it sends a message to the brain telling it so. Your brain registers this and then suggests that you move to keep warm, you begin to move and warm up. When you go to sleep the body again tells the brain it is cold, so your brain moves the blood to your core to keep your vital organs warm.
This remarkable adaptability is only possible if your nervous system communication from the brain, through the spinal cord and to the body is working properly.
Chiropractic is the answer when it comes to making sure there is no blockage, slowing or malfunctioning in that communication. A misalignment of the spine, what we call a subluxation, can change how well the brain and body are talking to each other (through the spinal cord).
If it’s not working well, the body could tell the brain it is cold but due to the subluxation (misalignment in the spine) the message to the brain is too slow, and as such we don’t move our body enough and we perish in the elements. Therefore to help me best adapt on this beautiful desert island, to not only survive but continue to thrive, chiropractic is my first choice.
2. Pure Water
Desert islands are usually surrounded by salt water, not so good for the human body. Dehydration can dramatically reduce our cognitive ability and problem-solving aptitude. And can lead to a sick body and increased susceptibility to illness.
Therefore, to keep me as sharp and healthy as possible, I will be taking pure water with me so I can solve the problems needed to build a raft or climb a tree and hopefully stay away from illness.
3. Offal
Now some of you are going to love this, a lot of you are not. Organ meat is some of the best meat and source of nutrition on the planet. Being on this island we are going to have to work to stay alive. Therefore, to heal and repair after a days work we will need a good source of protein. But on top of that we will need good vitamins and fatty acids.
Organ meat is a great source of high amounts of folate, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Essentially everything we need to stay alive and healthy.
So, there you have it, if you ever chuck me overboard and expect me to survive, please be gracious enough to send me on my way with a chiropractor (preferably my wife), pure water and some organ meat.
I would love to know, what you would take?
With love,