The new year is well underway, but with dark nights and cold days, the temptations of the festive season linger—comfort foods and cosy evenings on the sofa with a film.
This week, I hope to inspire you to make a change. It’s time to think about cleansing your body, if you haven’t already.
Why is this so important? Because health isn’t an accident; it’s an accumulation. When it comes to the foods we choose to eat, we’re either “bioaccumulating” health or bioaccumulating sickness.
Think of your body like the beautiful lakes at Hartsholme Park. Still waters brimming with fantastic wildlife. But take a closer look, and you might spot the odd beer can or crisp packet lapping at the shore.
While a small amount of rubbish isn’t great for the wildlife, it won’t dramatically affect the habitat. But imagine a relentless dumping of rubbish into the lake. Imagine weeks without rain, leaving no fresh water. Imagine no wind or movement to stir the waters.
How would the lake look then?
I’m sure you can imagine: sick, stagnant, with dying wildlife, and a toxic environment.
And here’s the connection—you guessed it. Your body is just the same. Imagine how your body feels after relentless consumption of poor foods, how it looks inside without movement to flush toxins, and how it functions without adequate hydration.
As a society, we often wonder why we get sick. But if we paused to inspect our habits leading up to illness, we’d likely notice a pattern of poor bioaccumulation—leading to sickness.
My challenge to you as you read this is to pause. Think of your body as that beautiful lake. You want it to flourish, thrive, bloom, and sustain incredible life.
So, what are you doing to clean up the waters and take care of your body?
Today is the perfect day to start.
With love,