Chances are, your morning routine has taken a hit recently, with the world going through such uncertainty due to COVID-19, you might have already found yourself making huge changes to the way you conduct your everyday life.
Whether you’re used to working from home or not or have family members isolating at home with you. Maybe you’re struggling to fit in childcare amongst the list of everyday tasks, or suddenly without any work to do at all!
The morning routine can help set the tone for your day, it’s why now, more than ever, a good solid foundation to your day is hugely important. Set your day up right and make this uncertain time far more manageable.
As humans, we respond to patterns. Morning routines that work well enable us to:
Living healthy lives is all about setting up ways to nourish our physical, emotional and spiritual selves. This can happen in the most minute of ways, from how we choose what to eat for dinner, right through to how early we wake up, what we think about, whether we drink a cup of coffee, or whether we give time over to exercise. All of our choices can impact our health, but by creating a clear and easy to follow routine, we take the stress and decision fatigue out of it – we have straightforward ways to ensure we are working on our health and balancing our needs every day.
After many hours of sleeping and not drinking any liquids, it’s important to take the time to rehydrate as a first step towards a more balanced morning. The body is made up of 73% water, after all, making this intake vital. Drinking water makes you immediately more alert and kickstarts the metabolism – we easily mistake thirst for hunger in our bodies, make this really important in regulating our food consumption. Water also aids brain function and general body regulation, helping to balance out your moods and ensure you aren’t waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
It can be tempting to go straight for a cup of coffee but try to resist this – it is dehydrating, so drinking a big glass of water instead as your first morning item is far better for your health overall. Water will get your energy going in the right direction.
Also, keep in mind that the body is healing during sleep. This is repair and recovery time, when your immune system is busy eliminating toxins from your system. By drinking plenty of water and starting your day with enough hydration, you can help your body eliminate toxins faster.
While we all have commitments, either to our work or family, it is important to give yourself at least a few minutes each morning that are just for you. Take this time to ground yourself and practice some self-reflection. This might take the form of meditation, which has been seen to have various positive effects on overall health.
In particular, meditation can assist in enhancing positive and constructive thoughts and emotions, making a big difference to our happiness levels. There’s evidence to suggest that meditation can also sharpen memory and help with sleep. In the morning in particular, meditation can help manage any anxiety, stress or depression we may experience, training our minds to remain calm and cope better with future uncertainty.
This doesn’t have to relate to any religious or spiritual practice – it can be as simple as taking a few minutes to sit quietly and focus on the breath. Remember that meditation is not about having an empty or quiet mind – it’s about being aware of the thoughts you are having, and that they are simply thoughts that come and go.
If meditation doesn’t quite work for you, you might also consider spending a few minutes on a journaling practice or expressing gratitude (whether you write these down, or simply say them out loud). Expressing gratitude has similarly positive effects on our mood and overall health, reminding us to put things into perspective and focusing attention on the positive in life.
Starting the day with some movement is another excellent way to regulate your energy levels for the day ahead. Find simple stretches that work for you to help get the body ready for whatever you have in store for it – sitting at a computer screen for many hours can straight our backs and shoulders, so ensure you are releasing tension and preparing, even if you will be seated. Incorporate higher intensity exercise that works for you and that you will be able to consistently practice.
There is evidence to suggest that morning exercise will help you regulate your metabolism better throughout your day, aiding your body’s consumption of calories. It can also assist you to have a better night of sleep, and better focus and concentration through the day, improving attention, visual learning and decision-making.
Start your day on the best note possible and set yourself up for a healthier lifestyle. By creating a morning routine that works for you, you can start your whole day right. What we do each day is what makes up our lives. Integrating just a few healthier habits can shift your entire lifestyle in a more positive direction.