Probably the most common question I am asked in relation to supporting someone’s spinal health journey is ‘how to sleep’?
Sleep is such a precious thing to many of us, a time to get cosy and shut off from the world, and as such, we all have very ingrained habits and sleep positions that we like.
However, these could be causing you more issues than you need, and while I am going to suggest what is best to do, it is important to accept that you may not be able to change these overnight (forgive the pun). But that it will take time to retrain.
Why is sleep such an important factor in our spinal health and recovery?
Well, firstly it is simply the amount of time we are there. Hours on end in one or two prolonged positions can put a lot of stress on our body, especially if that position is convoluted…
The other issue at night is that our discs, the bits between the bones in your spine, they swell overnight. This means they then occupy more space and have the potential to push on the nerves close to them. Do you wake up with the pain worse in the morning? This is why.
So really, we should be doing all we can at night to sleep in the best position for our back.
I recommend ONLY two positions.
Note, NOT on your front. This puts an extraordinary stress on your neck and should be avoided.
When sleeping on your back, be sure to have a thinner pillow so your neck can stay in line with the rest of your spine. And when on your side, choose a pillow the width of your shoulder that will help to keep good spinal alignment.
Another simple addition can be the use of a pillow behind your knees when on your back, or between your knees when on your side. This supports the lower back and pelvic alignment.
So, as you head to bed this evening, remember just a few simple things. Lie on your back or your side and place a pillow behind or between your knees.
Super simple and very effective.
With love