Like an old Punch and Judy play, you can almost hear a chiropractor screaming, “It’s behind you!” But why do chiropractors shout from the rooftops about the importance of looking after your spine, even when you’re not in pain?
Your spine is a beautiful structure, responsible for protecting your spinal cord while allowing freedom of movement. These two functions are vital for life. Movement is essential for living as humans are designed to—carrying out simple tasks and the actions of daily living. Spinal cord protection, however, is even more critical because it facilitates the signals that govern life and all bodily functions.
We all know how serious a spinal cord injury can be, and here’s why: your spinal cord doesn’t just control movement and coordination—it also orchestrates every function in your body. From your heart to your spleen, your immune system to your gonads, all the messages from your brain must pass through the spine to keep you functioning.
So yes, chiropractors truly ‘have your back’ for overall health. A well-aligned and functioning spine not only helps you move more freely and enjoy life but also supports efficient communication through your spinal cord. This, in turn, promotes better overall health.
This season, I encourage you to ponder this question: What other benefits to your health have you noticed under chiropractic care? And if you’re not currently under care, have you considered chiropractic to support your well-being—even if you’re not in pain?
With love,