  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Keep Your Spine Happy on Your Summer Holiday

Summer holidays! Time to get away and relax, a perfect chance to practice the relaxation and time out we always talk about.

But being away from Lincoln may mean you are unable to get your adjustments, so I thought I would share some tips you can take with you to keep your spine healthy on your travels.

Here are my Top Tips for a healthy holiday spine:

1. Pack smart
Oh it is so tempting to fill your suitcase with all the ‘just in case’ items. Not only does that not leave room for your own pillow! But it makes for a heavy and cumbersome bag that will hurt your back. Try to pack light, if you can get a wheel bag, do so. And take your own pillow!

2. Take breaks and stretch
Traveling involves a lot of sitting, in the car, on the train or in a plane. So do not add to that stress by sitting when you are waiting. Whether it is on the platform or in departures, be sure to keep moving. And if you can, depending on the transport, stop or stand up and stretch and move regularly.
3. Stay active
Yes holiday is a time to chill and unwind, but keep up your healthy movement habits, find time each day to do some gentle exercise. A walk at least, or venture into the new surroundings with a run.

4. Be mindful of posture
Sun loungers and mobile phones, a disastrous combination for your spine. Be mindful of the posture you adopt. I am sure you think about it a lot at your desk back home, but continue to be mindful even when you’re away.

5. See your chiropractor
Staying on top of your chiropractic visits before and after your holiday will support your spine health, helping you stay on track during your time away and following. If you haven’t scheduled your pre and post-holiday visits, feel free to get in touch!

By implementing these tips, you can help to make your Summer holidays comfortable and keep your spine and body healthy, allowing you to enjoy that well-deserved time away.

Happy holidays!    

With love,

Dr Tom Waller DC