  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Make Your Own Luck

Did you wait the twelve days of Christmas before you took your decorations down, or did you tempt fate and try your luck by taking them down early?

What ever you chose, I am not writing this to judge or cause hysteria. What I wanted to highlight was the good and bad ‘luck’ debate.

Sometimes when it comes to our health, we say we are either lucky or unlucky to be where we are at. And while there are some situations where our hand has been dealt, there are so many more where we are actually in control.

However, unlike being in control of a car where one good or bad turn of the wheel will have good or bad consequences, there is a delay in our body as to how our actions will affect our health.

Think of it more like a ship. When steering a ship, you turn the rudder to make a correction in your course or to line up with the dock. This course correction however is not immediate, it takes a while for the ships direction to change and therefore the captain on board has to preempt moves and action the turns in advance of them actually happening. If she does this right, the ship will be guided safely, however if she waits to react, the ship will inevitably crash.

The same is true for our health. If we take actions once we are sick or wait to be sick, we may be inclined to think it was bad luck.

However, if we take actions now and continue to do so consistently (with actions that support good health), others may think of us as lucky, but we know that we actually worked hard and put in the effort to be well.

We are all 100% responsible for our own actions and circumstances in this life. We make our own luck!

So, take this as your motivation to persevere with your healthy intentions for 2020, don’t let your ship steer off course, plan ahead, deny instant gratification and make this year your healthiest yet!

With love.

Dr Tom

Dr Tom Waller DC