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Expires 7th February 2025

Calm Your Body and Mind With This!

Meditation is something that a lot of people turn their nose up at, or snigger when they hear it being mentioned, but I’m here to tell you that it isn’t as ‘wishy washy’ as it seems and it is one of the best ways to calm your mind, body and soul.

Personally, I’ve been practicing meditation most days for the last 3 years, I’m not sitting under a tree with my legs crossed for hours on end, or saying ‘ommmm’ and burning incense, I do what I can, when I can.

My practice is usually me either sitting on the floor, or laying in bed before sleeping. I’ll sometimes put a guided meditation on and begin focusing on myself. This is a great way to help deal with our ‘thoughts’ which we can be bombarded with, whilst trying to process every day life and stress. It helps by allowing us to calm our mind and look within. We spend our lives looking outward for help, Instagram posts, Facebook, YouTube videos etc. But how often do we look inside to help ourselves? Meditation is that gateway, and here’s how!

Top tips for meditation:

  • Find a calm/quiet space around you for you to sit for 5-10 minutes (feel free to light a candle, find some cushions or even lay down too!)
  • The next step is to close our eyes, allowing us to look within.
  • Thirdly is to relax and allow your thoughts to wander through your mind, this will settle after a few minutes, if there is one thought that sticks around then feel free to explore it.
  • The main premise is to allow your mind to look within for answers, if you can empty your mind then great, if you think about one thing during your meditation that’s fine, explore than thought and look within for advice, it may give an answer to your questions.
  • You can even meditate whilst exercising! Running or cycling can be a great way to clear the mind too. 

A great place to start would be with guided meditation, the ‘calm’ app and ‘headspace’ app are both free and are worth downloading for beginners.

Everyone has 5 minutes in their day at some point to try this, do it first thing in the morning or last thing at night to help you sleep, but this is one of the best natural ways to help deal with stress in your life, and like anything in life, it’s not a try it once kind of thing, give it a few weeks at least to see some change, you may be pleasantly surprised!

With love,

Dr Tom Waller DC