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This week as you may have seen on our social media, we are discussing all things Men’s Health as it is Mens Health Awareness Month.
I wanted to continue this into our weekly blog and give some simple tips on how us men can make the most of our health, but please ladies, don’t stop reading as a lot of this information, your man needs to hear but may choose to ignore. So, read, digest and pass on!
Men, if you are anything like me you ignore your health. Well at least I used to, I wore the ‘busy’ badge of honour and martyred myself to achieve in business and helping others, thinking that was providing for loved ones. It was not until my health nose-dived that I realised what a mistake that was. And yes, I was a chiropractor at the time! I should have known better.
But you see that is it, it is so ingrained in our culture and as men to ‘put up and shut up’, that we neglect our health or find excuses for our lack of it.
So, let this be your reminder, to take stock, ask yourself the honest questions and be prepared to do what may be uncomfortable to achieve your best health. For YOU, your family, and your future.
Here are my Top 3 Men’s Health Tips:
1. Exercise and aggression. We need to move, and we need to use our testosterone. If we do not it can cause big hormonal imbalances that can lead to many health issues and emotional problems. Therefore, take time each day to move, preferably with some vigor and aggression. This could be running, throwing weights around, or push-ups. Something to get your heart rate up and sweat.
2. Move your emotions. Emotions are energy in motion, holding onto them and not expressing will drive the issues deeper and lead to long term sickness. Unexpressed emotion can manifest in many forms from physical pain to more serious health concerns. Allow yourself to cry, laugh, play, and express those emotions, now.
3. Check in with yourself and get checked. Men are great at putting things off, especially when it comes to health and asking for help. Take time to check in with your body and ask yourself, do I feel ok, am I as healthy and fit as I could be? If you are not sure, get checked. Find someone who will assess your health and help you make a plan to get better.
Remember YOU are only here once; you deserve to live healthy and happy and prioritise you!
With love