  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Create Daily Excellence in 3 Steps!

Mindset is the driving force behind what we decide to do with our days on earth. Some days we may feel groggy and end up being lazy and regretting it the next day. Other days we clean the whole house, walk the dogs, cook meals for the week and get everything done, which feels absolutely amazing! 

So why are some days different to others? It’s partly due to our mindset, mental health, and well-being. You know some days we wake up feeling energised and ready to smash the day, and others we don’t want to move a muscle. But did you know we have the potential to change that?!

How do we wake up feeling energised and ready to win the day?

Three simple exercises will take you from daily stress to daily excellence, here’s how:

1. Breathing exercises

2. Journaling

3. Meditation

1.Breathing exercises have been shown to help with decreasing stress levels, and it’s super simple, box breathing is our favourite at Epoch and we all use this technique!

Box breathing: Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out through your mouth for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and repeat until you feel calm and grounded (if you’re not sure if you’re calm and grounded yet…you’re probably not!) 

2.Meditation is something I like to do whilst I’m doing my breathwork exercises, it allows you to focus your mind and remove the clutter from your mind palace, creating a clean space for peace. 

Meditation: During your breathwork, close your eyes and plant both of your feet on the ground, sit with amazing posture and begin to allow your senses to work. As you begin to sink into the meditation you may start to see colours, let them cover you like a blanket, follow the patterns that appear, keep clearing the mind of thoughts, explore the colours and patterns. Once you awaken from the meditation, take a few moments to come back to earth and find your breath, have some water, and enjoy the relief of any stresses! If you find that thoughts come into your mind during this it is perfectly normal, just do your best to acknowledge it and then let it go.

3.Journaling is a way of putting your thoughts onto paper for reflection. The great philosophers and minds of our time all journal and reflect, which indicates there is something to it. All you need is a pen and a piece of paper. If you’re travelling, your notes section on your phone or laptop is ok. 

Journaling: Write down your experience with the breathing and meditation, track your journeys. Now write down any overwhelming thoughts you’re having, about work, home, family, anything at all, but write them down so you can see them and read them. Then ask yourself why are you feeling these thoughts? Are they in your control? Are they important to you? How can you help these thoughts? Write down how you’re going to make a change, how will you alter your mindset to become the best version of you…it takes time, so trust the process.

If you can manage these 3 things, which can all be completed within 5-10 minutes every day (you deserve the time for YOU), then you will see amazing changes in your mindset, mental health, and well-being. 

We are by no means perfect, but we do our best to practise these techniques here at Epoch, so please feel free to ask us for any more information. 

With love,

Dr Tom Waller DC