We all know that once things stop moving, they begin their decline. This is true for humans, animals, and plants alike. But there is so much more to it than that.
Put under a microscope, movement is essentially vibration. Your body is made up of trillions of cells and within those are countless atoms, all held together by charge, but not statically, yes you guessed it, they are all vibrating.
And we see this truth on every notch of the microscope, from the gross movement and walking of our bodies, big vibration. To the beating of our heart and the flowing of blood, medium vibration, to the conduction of nerve fibres and epigenetic expression, micro vibration.
And why is this so important?
Well, the cellular and atomic vibration of your body is essential to life and great health. Your chiropractic adjustments even aim to increase the ease and frequency of that vibration.
But with each stage from big vibration to micro vibration influencing one another, there is a lot that you can do to help yourself.
We see this contrasted with the human that sits a lot versus the one that is on the move. When sitting we slow our blood and lymph flow. Nerve communication and brain function is lesser, and overall our body is expressing less health. On the flip side, if we move more, we encourage blood and lymph flow, our nerves fire faster and make stronger connections and even our brain is shown to work faster and degrade slower.
So, what is there not to like about movement?
Simply put, if you can increase your daily movement and activity, you will dramatically improve your health and wellbeing. And for those parts of the body that really are lacking vibration and movement, especially in your spine, be sure to keep up your chiropractic adjustments.
With love,