  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Never Give Up

‘National Never Give Up’ day is on Friday, and in the spirit of this I wanted to give you a quick reminder of the importance of never giving up when it comes to your health and wellbeing.

“Your body is the only place you have to live, so take care of it”.

It is true, we spend so much time and money investing in our homes and in our cars, to make the places we live and move comfortable, pretty, and assured. But what about the real place you must live. In you, your body.

Have you ever taken a minute to think how remarkable your body is, looking after you every day. Your body keeps the heart beating and lungs breathing ensuring you stay alive. Your body takes the food you eat and assimilates that into your new cells and repair tissue. Your body fights off infections and disease without you even knowing! Remarkable right!

Your body loves you unconditionally and it NEVER stops doing everything it needs to look after you, so why should you?

Think of it like this, your health is not a destination, a point to reach when finally, you can call yourself ‘healthy’, because by nature a destination is an end. It’s a place where we have an option to ‘give up’.

Health is not a destination; it is a way of life.

Therefore, if we are to commit to helping our body, choosing to never give up on our health, then what can we practically do each day to ensure that?

Here are my Top 3 tips to Never Give Up on your health:

1.       Do it first
Make the first action of your day a positive one for your health and wellbeing. Don’t run straight to the emails, don’t have the sugary cereal. Start with one positive and certain healthy action. This could be to drink a pint of water, you could go for a walk, or do some affirmations. Whatever you choose, do it first.

2.       Move daily
No if, buts or maybes. Every day you need to move. If you can run, run. If its push ups against the wall, do them. No matter what your capability, be sure to move each day. Your body needs this for its survival. Brain health is maintained by body movement, blood pressure is aided by body movement, removal of toxins and your immune system is improved by body movement. Move today.

3.       Hydration

One of the leading causes of chronic disease in the western world is dehydration, criminal when you consider the free and ample supply we have compared to other countries. Make sure you drink plenty of water (nothing beats it) every day to maintain the best health you can.

Remember your body never gives up, so don’t give up on it.

With love,


Dr Tom Waller DC