  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

One More Day

This is a tough blog to write but an important one nonetheless, and I do not write it for want of any sympathy, but to give you a gentle reminder to LIVE one more day.

So as many of you know a few weeks ago our dog died, suddenly, and far too young. To cut a long story short, I had an hour with him before an appointment that I assumed would ‘fix’ him and then see him again that evening. He never came home…

That was the last time I had with him, and what I would do to have just one more day. More so, if I’d known that was our last hour together, how I would have played with him, and spent focused intentional time with him.

I want to use this story as a metaphor for our lives. Because we never know when things may change. But life has a way of getting a little monotonous, and as such we tend to switch off a little, take things for granted, and not LIVE our life.

There are two ways I would like to inspire you to LIVE a little more this week and beyond.

1. With present intentionality:

In all our encounters, in all our meetings, try to be present with the person. Enjoy that moment and take from it what you can. You may have noticed a question I ask you often at your appointments, and I would like you to try it in your lives.

Instead of asking “how are you” to which we throw away the comment and do not listen to the answer. Ask this, “what’s been the best bit of your day?” Asking a question in this manner demands that you pause to listen to the answer, it makes the person answering pause to think what they have done that day. And ultimately brings you both back to the present moment and deriving more from that previous interaction.

2. Make choices to LIVE longer:

I loath this saying “I’m here for a good time, not a long time”. As an excuse to make poor lifestyle choices, thinking we are ‘living for the moment’ and enjoying life. When we really inspect it, poor food choices, lack of taking care of ourselves, never makes us feel good. We might get a split second of happiness from the food or drink, but we all feel the guilt after.

Conversely, imagine making great health choices day after day, after a few weeks your confidence and happiness would go through the roof. You would also be doing what you can to ensure you are here for longer, and at the least, able to LIVE life to the full. With energy, zeal, and enthusiasm.

So, there is my polite and simple reminder that you have a limited time, you have a choice, and you can choose to LIVE better.

With love,


Dr Tom Waller DC