  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

One Small Step – Chemical

Last week we learned how doing just one small thing and maintaining it over a long period can have a profound effect on our health. Our focus there was physical stressors. Here we see what we can do to manage Chemical stress.

Chemical stressors on the body can cause a lot of harm, however small changes can do a lot of good.

Here are Epoch’s Top 5 Chemical Tips.

1. Drink 2 litres of pure, clean water a day

2. Avoid Wheat and Dairy

3. Reduce your sugar intake, be aware that fruit is a sugar!

4. Supplement with chlorella, a powerful antioxidant

5. Supplement with Omega 3, Probiotics and Vitamin D to support your nutrition

Add one or all of these over the next 18 months and watch and feel your health improve!

Dr Tom Waller DC