At last, we are tasting a little freedom and movement is starting. On the forefront of our minds over the last year has of course been our health and our immune system.
With COVID being a respiratory issue, I wanted to take this week to talk about how we can improve our lung health, and in line with Move More Month, encourage you all to get moving a little.
Obviously, our lungs are there to enable us to breathe, but why do we breathe? Of course, it is to get oxygen into the body and enable us to live, move and function.
Think of your lungs as a muscle. When we exercise our muscles improve. The same is true for our lungs. As we move, we improve their ability to function, moving faster and varying the intensity of exercise is a great way to maximise our lung capacity. HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is a great way to do that. This is where we exercise in short bursts and at high intensity. It could be 20 seconds of burpees or a 10-second sprint, followed by a rest and then repeated several times.
Another way to improve our lungs is to think about the quality of the air that we allow in them. Think of your car. Put contaminated or the wrong fuel in the engine, it’s not going to work well. Clean air is what we need, simple tips to achieve this would be introducing house plants into every room of your home, and consider a salt lamp in your main living room to help purify the air.
And finally, let’s get outside. Let’s go breathe some fresh air into those lungs and feel the difference. You’ve all felt that feeling on a cold crisp morning, taking a deep breath and feeling alive!
So, there you have it Epochers, let’s all make a little promise to get some fresh air this week and breathe a little deeper.
With love