  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Put That Spring in Your Step Ahead of Spring!

Have you noticed the little signs that Spring is almost upon us? As we think ahead to a time of year that brings a hive of new life and activity, what can you be doing to make that activity easier?

Especially as we get older it often feels harder and harder to get going, slow movement and achy joints can really take the fun out of activity.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? While aging will slow us somewhat, there is no reason why you can’t maintain a spring in your step. And if you’re young reading this, well, why not aim to spring higher..!

Here are my TOP THREE tips to put the spring in your step ahead of Spring:

1. Keep moving
This sounds too simple I know, but the less you move, the harder it becomes to do so. Make movement a priority in your day (yes, every day), find time to walk at least 10 minutes a day.

2. Hydrate
I’ll say this until the cows come home. Water is essential for the health and vitality of your joints and movement. And it’s a simple fix to an aching body; 2 litres of pure water a day.

Co Enzyme Q10
Helps your body to help you. This enzyme is crucial in the energy making pathway and can help to keep you fit and active. I would recommend a good quality supplement to assist with this. We stock the brand ‘Cytoplan’ at Epoch.

Give them a go and let’s see you sprint into Spring!

With love,

Dr Tom Waller DC