It’s happening, the light is starting to dissipate and the cosy nights have begun, it’s time for hot chocolate, fires, sloe gin and hibernation….right? Well before you nod your head and agree, ponder something with me. Why do we see lots more colds, coughs, and flu when the seasons change?
There are some common factors that will help you answer this question, and they all lie in the introduction. Think about how much time we spend indoors when the cold nights draw in. This allows viruses to pass more easily from one person to another. What about our reduction in activity? Moderate physical exercises stimulate cellular immunity. How about reduced daylight? Some of us go to work in the dark and return in the dark, so where is that Vitamin D going to come from?
We have to be more prepared. ‘T.P.D.’ – Think, Plan, Do. Don’t make it complicated, the more complicated you make it the easier it is not to do. Choose one thing to make your health better in your day, not five, not three, just one. Here are some suggestions:
1. Plan a walk at lunch, collect the kids from school, could you walk over driving to see a friend? Integrate it into your day, not a task you must remember.
2. Supplements are an excellent way to boost your body, Vitamin D3 being one of the best in Winter as it comes from the sun, and therefore in Winter you will need a boost. Check your Vitamin D3 and make sure you have a healthy dose for you.
3. As for keeping warm, human connection is one of the most underrated ways to stimulate our mental health. If you’re fortunate to have close family or friends, why not reach out to those who may need a little more company.
We are always here to serve at Epoch, so if myself or the team can ever help in making your health better, please ask. Until next time, enjoy your day, but before you do, ‘T.P.D.’.
With love,