In chiropractic we have a saying that we know to be true; ‘nature needs no help, just no interference’. Meaning that the human body always strives to heal and move towards health, however there can be factors along the way that block or stop that. In removing these blocks, we give our body the ability and potential it needs to heal and be well.
Blocks come in a few forms, these can be through our choice of nutrition; with poor nutrition taxing and even poisoning the body, therefore limiting its ability to be healthy.
They can come from emotional blocks, the inability to move beyond a situation; the difficulty to forgive oneself for their current state is a big barrier to healing and full health.
Then there are physical barriers; simply this could mean not moving enough or exercising, or it could mean physical limitations.
It is physical limitations that I want to discuss today, we call these ‘limitations of matter’. Quite simply if I lost my arm, my body could not heal that. If I have a genetic defect, a true one, such as cystic fibrosis, I could not heal that.
However, this is not to say that I could not improve my situation and increase my potential for health.
The reason I talk about this is because I recently had to undergo surgery, and will have follow up surgery in a few months. As a chiropractor, this is the complete opposite of my profession which is ‘without drugs or surgery’.
However, there comes a time when one might need help.
BUT the most important message that I want to leave you with is that despite all the amazing help I had from the nurses, assistants, and surgeons. There remains ONLY ONE person who can get me better, and that is me!
They have removed what they needed to, they changed the ‘limitation of matter’ I mentioned earlier, but now MY body is on the job, I am healing.
And if you are in this situation, or similar, I want to show you how you can best support yourself and remove any ‘blocks’ that will be limiting your healing potential.
1. Get adjusted.
Healing is a ‘brain driven’ action, which means healing is controlled and coordinated by the brain and nervous system. If there is any miscommunication or restrictions in the relay between your brain and body – your spine! Then healing will be less efficient.
See your chiropractor and get adjusted, I am doing this a lot! (Lucky I live with one).
2. Remove the garbage and supplement.
It is SO tempting to sit and wallow and eat junk. But I know this will poison my body and dramatically slow my healing.
Therefore I choose to eat clean, lots of protein for repair and vegetables for healing.
I supplement heavily with Vitamin D3 and Omega 3 to increase my healing potential too.
3. Move.
I am supposed to be resting yes, but sitting all day will stagnate my body, blood, and lymph flow. Simply getting up and moving regularly helps my body to keep fluid and aid healing.
4. “I am healing”.
Mindset is essential, one simple thing I do, because I struggle with this, is to say to myself each morning and on a regular basis; “I am healing”.
Remember, your body did a remarkable thing years back, it turned just two cells into 30 trillion! In just 9 months!
That intelligence that made you, still works within you, it heals and repairs and grows and maintains you every single day.
If you can give it a helping hand and remove the blocks, it will look after you.
You’ve got this.
With love