I was talking to a friend recently about how their environment affects their wellbeing. It got me thinking about the incredible ways our bodies interact with the world around us, right down to our cellular level.
You see, our cells are constantly engaged in an intricate dance with their environment. They’re not just passive observers – they’re active participants, responding to everything from light and sound to physical touch.
What’s even more remarkable is that these environmental signals are actually more efficient at influencing our cells than chemical signals like hormones.
Here’s something that might surprise you: research has shown that energetic signalling mechanisms, such as electromagnetic frequencies, are a hundred times more efficient at relaying environmental information than physical chemical signals.
While chemical signals move at less than one centimetre per second, energy signals travel at an astounding 186,000 miles per second!
Think of your body as an exquisitely tuned instrument. Every cell contains special proteins in its membrane that act like tiny antennas, picking up signals from your environment.
These proteins don’t just respond to physical molecules – they can read energy fields too, which means our cells are influenced by invisible forces, including our thoughts.
What makes this so exciting is understanding that our cells’ behavior isn’t just controlled by physical molecules like pharmaceuticals. The quantum perspective reveals that we’re part of an integrated network of energy fields, all interconnected and influencing each other in profound ways.
This isn’t just theoretical – it has practical implications for your health. The environment you create around yourself – the light you’re exposed to, the sounds you hear, the physical touch you receive, and even your thoughts and beliefs – all play a crucial role in shaping your cellular health.
So when you come in for an adjustment, remember that you’re not just receiving a physical intervention. You’re participating in an energy exchange that can influence your body at its most fundamental level.
Creating a positive, nurturing environment for yourself isn’t just about feeling good – it’s about supporting your health at a cellular level.
With love, The Epoch Team