The seasons are changing, well for the most part they are; I’m not sure we get true seasons anymore. But I digress; I want to use the concept of seasons to explain healing and health.
We are all aware of the four seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. All of these are essential for life on our planet; without one, you would not have the other. And I am sure you all have your favourite season for one reason or another.
So why is this an important consideration for our health and healing?
We need to understand that health and healing is not a linear process. We do not gradually and consistently get better, nor will we live in a perpetual Summer. All the seasons of healing are important.
Now, for the most part, people come to see us at Epoch Lincoln in the Winter of their health, they are struggling, and it all looks a little doom and gloom. But just like that Winter, it will pass. Even the Ice Age came to an end!
But you cannot jump straight from Winter to the fruits of Autumn. You need to go through the seasons to make a change. Winter will be followed by Spring, where you have a glimpse of hope, a spring back in your step, and where you plant the seeds of your consistent chiropractic adjustments and lifestyle changes. As you move into the Summer, things become easier, the mindset changes and you are much happier on your journey. And as you continue to commit to your health, habits, and chiropractic, it all culminates to the Autumn when you can harvest your fruits and see the great results you have achieved.
And yes, Winter may come again, but the more experience we have with the seasons, the easier it is to navigate and the quicker they pass.
So, if you are in Winter, stay hopeful, Summer is coming, and health is on the way.
With love,