  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

‘Tis the Season’ to Take Care of You

When you hear the word routine it may automatically create a feeling of resistance, because it sounds dull or repetitive and that is often not fun!  But what if we change the story and create a routine that serves you and helps to create better health, better use of your time, and overall enjoyment of life?

This is what we are discussing this week and we will be sharing some of our ‘routines’ and recommendations we provide at Epoch to help keep your health on track consistently.

At this time of year, especially with the current circumstances I have personally found it more challenging to stick to my usual routine and I’m sure I’m not the only one. With gyms and leisure facilities being shut and the unavoidable Christmas treats surrounding us in the shop, it certainly doesn’t help the situation!

I realised last weekend that I had slipped in a few areas, particularly diet and also ensuring I get time out for me, and I knew I had two options. I could either carry on doing what I was doing until the new year where I would set a clean slate and start over, or get back on track now so I could enter the new year ahead of the game. I’ve decided to choose the latter, and if you feel you have slipped a little over the last couple of months, then my hope is that this may be of help.

The word routine means ‘a sequence of actions regularly followed’. If you have a ‘routine’ and actions that you regularly follow which are healthy for our body and mind, then naturally we are going to feel the benefit long term. On the flip side if our regular actions are actually not the best for us, then again, we are going to feel the impact of this long term but negatively.

Around 6 years ago I could not understand why Tom would do certain things each day, at a certain time. It actually used to really frustrate me! I was more of a ‘take life as it comes girl’ and I didn’t like to have too much structure to my day. But over time I have slowly changed my ways, and now I couldn’t imagine not having certain aspects in my routine!

Making positive changes when it comes to health doesn’t have to be a big overall. Just start slowly and consistently and keep building on this, and you will start to see the benefit.

So, here are my Top Routines to help keep you on track this season:

– When You First Wake –
How you start your day can really impact how your day unfolds. Allow yourself at least 30 minutes to start your day right. My recommendation would be to avoid your phone and TV in this time, don’t check text messages, social media or watch the news as it is likely to cause anxiety and create stress before you have even started!

  • Hydrate….drink a large glass of water when you first wake to help get your brain and body firing.\
  • Do some movement…whether it is a gentle walk, some stretching in your living room or squats whilst you brush your teeth, moving your body will increase your serotonin…your happy hormone and help you feel more energised in preparation for the day ahead!

– During the day –

  • Move again.  I know sometimes this can be easier said than done, especially if you are working all day on your feet. But adding some additional, intentional movement into your daily routine for you is a great way to calm the body down. How about adding a 10-15 minute walk outside before you go to bed? It is a fantastic way to get some fresh air and clear your head in preparation for bed.

If you have more time in the day, try and incorporate at least 30 minutes exercise a day which is more intensive and increases your heart rate.

– Be mindful of what you are eating and drinking –
‘Tis the season to be jolly’, Christmas is just around the corner and it seems to be here in full swing earlier than ever this year! It can be very tempting to start celebrating from now until the New Year especially when it comes to eating the festive food and this is where I have struggled lately. I almost felt obliged to do it! However, without sounding too much like Scrooge, we do still have 4 weeks to go and 4 weeks is a long time to be overindulging which will unfortunately make getting back on track in the New Year even harder. Try to avoid snacking on the sweet treats and do your best to eat fresh wholesome food. Same goes with alcohol, keep it to a treat rather than the norm every night.

If you want to learn more about all things sweet can check our my previous blog here.

– Time out –
Have you allowed 10 minutes for yourself lately with no distractions? Taking some time each day, even if it is 10 minutes where you are away from technology and have some peace. Having some quiet time is great for your body to reset and will allow you to be able to deal with your daily tasks better. This is something I had let slip, and having started it again I have certainly noticed the benefits. I like to spend 10 minutes focusing on my breath, you can learn more here.  But however you use this time, make sure it is just for you.

These are simple tips I know, but they are good starting points if they are not things you incorporate already and you feel a little off track. It really is a magical time of year which I hope you enjoy, however don’t forget to take care of yourself consistently along the way too.

With love,

Sarah Waller