  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Why Is Drinking Water So Important?

Whenever you come to see a Chiropractor or health professional, you’ll hear us say “make sure you’re drinking a few pints of pure water a day please”…but why do we always tell you?

There’s a few reasons why, but remember that your whole body is made up of around 70% water, so in theory we need to be drinking a lot of water to maintain that level.

If we’re not replenishing the right amount of water every day, the same water stays in circulation around our body, it’s like not changing the water in a goldfish tank for a few months…it goes a bit off!

Typically speaking, you should be drinking about 2 litres of PURE water (no squash, tea or coffee etc) a day to maintain the normal water levels in your system, if you’re a big build then it may be more, if you’re a smaller build then it may be slightly less.

Did you know that blood is made up mostly of water…? That’s right, blood is 90% water, and your blood carries vitamins, minerals and energy to the rest of your body. Imagine if your blood was made up of all the tea and coffee you were drinking, that’s a recipe for poor health, and that’s how the caffeine gets into your system! Everything in moderation is what I say, have your morning coffee or cup of tea, but please remember to be drinking more pure water than anything else during the day, it really does make up the majority of YOU!

Here’s a list of some of the benefits of maintaining your 2 litres of water a day:

  • Regulates your digestive system.
  • Water delivers energy and nutrients to your muscles and organs.
  • Can aid in weight maintenance and/or weight loss.
  • Detox’s your system..
  • Hydrates your skin and brain
  • It rids any waste from your system (your urine should be lovely and clear…not yellow and cloudy!)
  • Kidney’s love fresh water, as do all your other organs, it improves their function.

Honestly, the list could go on and on, but those are a few of my favourites.

I challenge you to drink at least 2 litres of water a day, see if you notice any changes.

With love,


Dr Tom Waller DC