“What we now know” has always been one of my favourite phrases in science, medicine, and healthcare. It’s a simple phrase that reminds us that we often think we have reached the peak of scientific knowledge. We think we fully understand the complex human body and how to step in and “fix” it, “cure” it, and force it to do what we think is best.
The truth is, we as a species, know diddly squat compared to what’s really calling the shots. Our bodies are like incredible machines. We barely know how to drive them. Our health and how it works is all controlled by an amazing wiring system, the nervous system, with the brain as the control centre.
The wisdom of your brain and body will always ultimately trump the wisdom of any doctor or health professional. It will always be the smartest thing in a room full of doctors and professors with walls full of impressive degrees and PhDs.
The term “doctor” does not mean the gatekeeper of all health resources, and the person in charge of your health. The term “doctor” comes from the Latin word “docere,” meaning “teacher” or “to teach.” Which suggests that a doctor should be someone who guides and shows you the way to health, not someone who thinks they know best (remember, “what we now know”).
Never forget: the human brain and nervous system are the best doctors. They can regulate, respond, heal, diagnose, and adapt all the body’s tissues. This remarkable system not only keeps you alive but also ensures that you thrive.
Does that mean we shouldn’t bother seeing doctors and health professionals when things go wrong then? No! We need these professionals with the best clinical knowledge and the best current science. They are needed when the body and brain are overwhelmed or lack something vital. They are also needed when the body and brain are beyond redemption or critically traumatised. This is when the doctors and health professionals should step in and use the best resources to take some control.
The first strategy for health is to make sure the one thing that really knows everything going on in your body stays healthy. It’s the only thing that knows what it needs and how to do what it needs to do. It’s the only thing that has a complete grasp: your brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. Its job is to work at its best without interruption. It must be unblocked, untwisted, and straightened. It should be cleared of the effects of a crooked spine.
That’s why we, as Chiropractors, have understood this and yelled about it for over 128 years. It applies to everyone on this planet. If you have a spine, sit or stand in gravity, and live in the modern world. They should get their spines checked often. To ensure their body’s control system, the nervous system can function at its best. It holds all bodily wisdom. It is the gatekeeper and controller of health.
This is why everyone you love and care for should have their spines checked regularly.
This understanding of how the body heals is why we Chiropractors CHOOSE to work with the body’s wisdom. We do this by freeing the spinal cord and nervous system. This way, they can relay the body’s wisdom to and from every cell and your brain. It’s not about forcing change and our will on the body. It’s about working with it, to free it up and create space for it to work unimpeded. Doing so allows it to better handle or fully heal what it has lost or faces often in your life.
Take a second and think about all of this? Your body has about 37 trillion cells. Each cell does hundreds of thousands of reactions every second to keep you alive. And you don’t have to do anything. It’s all taken care of for you, without a single thought required from you. You only need to give it the right building blocks to grow and repair (the food and drink we consume). Use it as it’s designed, so it doesn’t seize up or wear out (our choices on activity, inactivity, working position, etc).
Take control of your health. Support the wisdom of your body to better deal, heal, and adapt. Do this by caring for your spine. It’s the only thing that actually does know!