  • Summer Special

£55 New Patient Consultation (Usually £92)

Where Does Health Really Come from and Is It Possible for All of Us?

It is not until we lose our health or get injured that we really consider how lucky we are to have it, and how much we take it for granted.

When we do lose our health, the first thing most of us do is ask the question; “who can fix me?”

An obvious question that we assume will lead us to the right place, and I am sure many of you asked that before you came to see us at Epoch. And of course, we want to find someone who can help us. But the truth is that person is not going to ‘fix’ you.

No matter how good the doctor, therapist or psychologist, there is no one out there who can ‘fix’ you. Every single intervention in healing will either ‘override’ the body, remove an issue, or help the body to heal. And the only way true and lasting healing can happen is from ourselves.

Just think about how intelligent and clever your body is, not the human body, but YOUR own body. From two cells at the point of conception, with no help, you grew into 30 trillion cells, all working together becoming you. From the point of conception, your body grew at an extra ordinary rate, in fact, if it continued to grow at the same rate it did from the first 9 weeks over the entire 9 months, you would have been born a whopping 1.5 tonnes!!!

Now take that intelligence that your body grew and slowed down with, and worked in unison with your mother to be born, it is still within you. The last time you walked into a cold room, you did not have to check your temperature, your body did that itself and kept your vital organs at the exact same temperature, a small fluctuation of which is enough to kill a human being. Now that is not just within you, but every human being on the planet has the same temperature, no matter what environment.

Now remember the last time you accidentally cut yourself, did you look at the wound and tell it to heal? Did you put a plaster on it and when you took the plaster off, it was healed? Yes, therefore did the plaster heal you? No, of course not. Your body did that and as good as it is at doing that for a cut on the outside, it can heal us all on the inside.

So, my point and the confidence I want you to take from this is that your body is the ONLY person who can get you better, your body has the ability and capacity to heal, and in chiropractic, our focus is to remove anything that is stopping your body from being able to do that itself.

So, my top tips for you this week are the 4 things that will stop your body from healing and therefore what you can do to put your body in the best possible place for healing to occur.

1. Subluxation
The subluxation is the misalignment in your spine that interferes with your nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The brain is controlling all actions of your body, including healing. So, if there is an interference (subluxation) in your spine, your body can not heal at 100%.
Tip No. 1 – See your chiropractor and get adjusted for subluxation.

2. Fuel
Poor fuel, yes I mean food, will damage the body and also prevent it from healing. Conversely, good food will promote the healing capacity of your body.
Tip No. 2 – Eat fresh natural food.

3. Stress
If you were running from a lion, you wouldn’t care about your broken leg! If you are caught in a stress response, your body doesn’t care about healing.
Tip No. 3 – Take 5 minutes to sit still on your own and relax and reconnect.

4. Motion
Bloodletting was an old art designed to remove diseased and sick blood from ill people. Suffice to say too much blood was often drawn and the people died. But the theory of moving blood is key. Movement of the body will stimulate better blood flow and along with that better lymph flow (how we remove toxins). It will also improve bowel movement that gets rid of waste.
Tip No. 4 – Move 10 minutes a day at a level where you are out of breath or sweating to promote your healing and recovery.

Health and healing can seem quite complex, but once we understand that it is a natural state for our body, all we need to do is move ourselves in that direction and trust the process.

When we do so, healing becomes beautifully simple.

With love


Dr Tom Waller DC