  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Why Invest in Your Health When You Can Be Sick for Free?

This year is going to be different. Or at least that’s what I told myself at the end of 2017 anyway. Yet here I am, almost 12 months on, and nothing much has changed (if anything I’m probably a bit sicker). Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I haven’t tried changing anything, here’s some of the things I tried this year with an aim to improve my health:

  • Auto Immune Paleo.
  • Gluten free.
  • Dairy free.
  • Couch to 5K.
  • Hula Hooping.
  • Various supplements.

Am I still doing any of it? Honestly, no. I gave most of it few attempts but it just never stuck for longer than a few days. When you are battling pain and fatigue on a daily basis it can be hard to stick with anything that requires more effort and doesn’t yield immediate relief and results.

I told myself that I need to get sorted this year because next year I turn 30. But in reality, whilst it would be a nice thought to be thriving by 30, it’s not a strong enough why for me personally. I also went with general reasons such as “I want to get fitter” or “I want to feel better” but without attaching it to anything important I soon found myself back into old habits.

So here we are, at the end of 2018, and I know what I need to do. It won’t be a big lifestyle overhaul just because it’s a New Year and there won’t be any sudden, dramatic transformation. Instead, I have created a list of steps that I know I can commit to for the first week in January:

  • Headspace – 10 minutes every night before bed.
  • Take Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Magnesium everyday.
  • Swim twice a week.
  • Get outside and walk for a minimum of 20 minutes everyday.

Each week, I will be getting regularly checked and adjusted by my chiropractor at Epoch Lincoln, introducing more small steps and tracking my progress. If you’d like to be a part of my journey, I have included the link to my Instagram page: little.steps.big.dreams – follow me, support me and if you feel you are also ready for a change, then join me!

This year will be different and I leave you with my reason why…
[see cover picture]

Dr Tom Waller DC