  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

Why Is Chiropractic Such a Key Component of Overall Health?

I know some of you already know this, but some may be unsure, so I thought I’d take a few minutes to explain the key benefits of chiropractic and why it is great for so much more than just your back pain.

Before I go on, do you know what the first chiropractic adjustment did in 1895?
It restored a man’s hearing, the janitor of D.D. Palmer (founder of chiropractic) called Harvey Lillard, and following an adjustment to his back, his hearing restored. A story for another day.

Going back to what I was saying before, the above example illudes to the fact that an adjustment of the spine can be great for so much more than just back pain.

How so?

Let’s start by thinking about health in general, it should be clear and obvious that we all want to have the best health possible. Then comes the question how do we get healthy? Answers such as eat vegetables, exercise, drink water, think positively and avoid alcohol all come to mind.

But there is a better question we can ask ourselves. How does the human body maintain health and why does it lose it?

The answer is the Nervous System. The control of the brain over the body and every single cell inside, from how cells divide, how we digest our food, how we fight infection, how we take oxygen from the air, how we excrete our waste and how we think positively. All of this, every single action, is controlled by the Nervous System.

Therefore, it makes logical sense that to achieve optimal health, we must have a well-functioning nervous system, and full health simply cannot be achieved without a well functioning nervous system.

That said, to achieve the best health possible we must aid the nervous system to carry out its functions and look to remove any blockage or interference to this happening.

In walks a chiropractor! The spine is their instrument to work with. What does the spine do, why do we have one? To protect the Spinal Cord of course, the main highway of your Nervous System.

And as such, when you see your chiropractor, regardless of pain or symptoms, their correction of the alignment of your spine, what we call the adjustment. The adjustment serves to improve your Nervous System function and you guessed it, improve how your whole body is functioning, thus moving you to a better state of overall health.

With love


Dr Tom Waller DC