  • £62 Winter New Patient Special
Expires 7th February 2025

You Are Your Environment

The saying “you are a product of your environment”, has never been truer than right now in our rapidly changing modern world. A modern world that seems to be getting sicker. 

The saying eloquently encapsulates the profound influence that external factors exert on our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. From the daily demands and stresses, such as physically, with how we sit, sleep, or spend our working days. The chemical stresses we are now surrounded, and infused with daily, including the air we breathe. The quality of our nutritional intake and all that is injected and sprayed on the foods we eat, and within the water we drink. The quality and potential stresses of our relationships from both at work and at home. Societal stresses and anxieties, electromagnetic stresses, and stresses from the habitual use of modern technological devices.

WOW! I’m exhausted just writing this list. Just think of what your brain and body are processing and dealing with? It’s a lot of stuff every second, every day that we are bombarded and dealing with.

Most of all that is cast upon us from the modern world in which we inhabit, is often unseen, insidious, and unfelt, we are just unaware of it all. However, a lot of what is put upon us, we habitually expose ourselves to. All these various elements in our environment trigger responses and reactions within our bodies and minds that then shape our health and overall quality of life. All this bombardment builds, until the body or mind says…”NO MORE!!! I CANNOT DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE; I DID THE BEST I COULD FOR SO LONG!” At which point the damage has often been done. 

When the body is overwhelmed, cannot efficiently process, deal with, and adapt to all these environmental stresses, or has exhausted its abilities and resources, like a car running out of oil, a well running dry, or a dying star that’s exhausted its energy source and no longer shines bright; we enter a state of dis-ease (the body is not at ease). It will often let us know it’s reached this state in the form of pain (even without trauma or an inability to heal from the pain of a trauma), we may experience suffering physically or mentally, burnout, anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, digestive issues, so on and so forth. If left on that path, we continue to be overwhelmed from the environment spiralling out of control and drowning in it all, and eventually there is a higher chance the body will move from a state of dis-ease and develop an actual disease.

Health is a continuous flowing dance of reaction and action of our body’s internal needs and its environmental triggers. It is how our bodies choose or are able to act and react (with its available resources) to our environment that will determine our health.

Every decision we make about what we choose to do or expose ourselves to in our environment, either moves us towards health, or away from health; gives us energy or depletes us of energy. Sometimes we cannot choose the environments we are in or the people we are surrounded by, but we do have the power of CHOICE. The power and ability to choose, to change, to limit, to start, to stop, to increase, to decrease things such as:

  • How we move our bodies, whether to exercise, how often, in what way?
  • How often to get up and move if sat working at a desk all day?
  • What time to go to bed, what to do just before going to bed?
  • What foods to eat, the quality or source of the foods we eat?
  • What chemicals we’re going to expose ourselves to in the cleaning products we use around us, or the things we spray and rub on ourselves?
  • What humanmade electrical equipment, energy sources and devices we are surrounded by?
  • How we react to people, who we spend our time with, how often we spend time with them?

All a matter of choice! To choose to give your body the right resources to create your own better immediate environment, to better deal with the greater environment of living in the modern world.

We Chiropractors are obsessed with bringing people into a state of EASE from a state of DIS-EASE. It’s why we choose to work with the intelligence of the body, not instead of or in place of. To increase your movement within your environment but more importantly free the spine and nervous system.  To allow all that intelligent information being processed from your environment to be communicated with greater efficiency and greater EASE. So you can better adapt and react to whatever the world throws you.

In recent history my partner used to call out at our then teenage girl as she was heading out of the front door to the world at large. “Make wise choices!”.

Make wise choices and do all you can to help your body better deal with the environment of your life.

With love,


Dr James Deady DC